
Yum Founders Day "Dare to Care" Food Drive

Posted by Manual Boys Lacrosse on Sep 25 2012 at 01:39PM PDT in 2012-2013

Once again this year, the boys lacrosse team has an opportunity to help out our community as well as earn some money for the program.

This year’s YUM! Founder’s Day food drive is next Friday, October 5th. We are asking for any player willing to help to be at YUM headquarters (1441 Gardiner Lane) no later than 5:45 AM. You only have to be there for a couple of hours and you’ll be helping to collect the food that is being dropped off. Bring a Kroger bag full of cans, peanut butter, etc. to donate and proudly wear your Manual Lacrosse gear. Last year, the players were on TV and there’s a good chance that you’ll be on TV again this year.

Coach Devin has offered an additional incentive to be named later to everyone who attends. It could be a chance scrimmage instead of drills or to skip sprints, who knows? But if you don’t work, you won’t be able to enjoy it next spring!

This is also a great opportunity for service hours if you need any.


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