

5 Days of Running

Posted by Coach Clifford on Apr 09 2012 at 09:08AM PDT in 2011-2012

Day 1: 30sec on 30sec off 15yard flat shuttles. Alternate between all forward, forward and back peddle, and shuffles. Go for at least 15 minutes, 20 if you can push it.

Day 2: 10sec on 50sec off hill sprints. Start by running as hard as you can for 10 seconds. Drop a cone at your initial 10sec distance. Return to your starting point. Sprint to the cone and jog back to your starting point. Start a new one each minute. If you do not have a good hill, then do the workout on flat group but switch to 15sec on 45sec off. Go for at least 15 minutes, 20 if you can push it.

Day 3: 45minute non stop jog.

Day 4: Repeat day 1

Day 5: Repeat day 2

I also challenge all to take 10 minutes a day and complete 100 push ups, 100 squat jumps, and 100 mountain climbers a day. I like to alternate in sets of 25.