


Posted by Coach Clifford on Apr 05 2012 at 07:37AM PDT in 2011-2012

Again, great work last night Varsity. As you watch the video, I hope you see the little differences in the effort that gave us the advantage in a lot of 50-50 situations. One of the best parts to think about is that last night game was a wet game with difficult field conditions. In those games, it’s usually the team that puts the little extra effort in that comes out on top.

In case you did not get the memo last night. Practice today is cancelled for all.

I will send out a message with running instructions for over break. Also, please complete your checklist homework by this Saturday (Directions: write down a list of things you want to improve on or accomplish in lacrosse. Keep the list in a place you can see it at least once a day. As you feel you accomplish goals on your list, check them off.)